"Goodbye, Lan. Remember, be true to who you are.
Let your heart guide you, and you’ll find what you’re looking for."
- from Finding Mulan -

BIA's Annual Drama Production

Bridgeport International Academy takes great pride in its yearly drama production. The theater team uses the University of Bridgeport’s Arnold Bernard Center(ABC) theater. Beyond the acting roles, the whole school gets involved from building sets and sewing costumes to being part of the stage lighting and sound crews.

An Honorable Awardee of Halos

Halos Award is presented by Seven Angels Theatre in Waterbury, CT.
BIA’s Finding Mulan was honored by being nominated for four awards in 2019 – Best Costume, Best Make-up and Hair, Best Actress in a Lead Role and Fearless Award –
Finally, BIA was awarded the Halos Award for Best Costume.

Drama Archive